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If you “time” your spins 

you can “TRICK” any 

slot, video slot or poker 

machine into paying  

you over and over!



Machine Using

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My name is 

Brad Demare 

and for many years I designed slot, video slot, 
and poker machines for one of the biggest slot 
manufacturing companies in the world.

I know what makes all types of  slot and poker machines 

tick! I know the inner workings of  all the modern machines 

currently used in casinos. I know how they operate and I know 

what is perhaps the biggest secret of  all about all of  them...

you can BEAT any machine... 
just by changing the way you play!

All Machines Are Now Designed To “Respond” 

According To The Way They Are Played

Do you think a slot machine doesn’t know you? Do you 

believe it’s just a machine that responds the same way no 

matter who’s playing it? Do you believe different people 

playing the same machine would not affect the results? If  you 

believe any of  these’re WRONG!

Slot, video slots, and poker machines now have the 

capability within their very complex computer 

respond to the individual player! They can adjust their payout 

mode based on the way they are played and they only need a 

few minutes to determine what kind of  player YOU are!

You can win hundreds of dollars every hour 

simply by altering the way you play!

Slot, video slot, and poker machines can be beat... and it’s so 

simple I doubt if  anyone has ever realized it before!

How do you play the slots? Do you like to spin the reels 

fast...or slow? How about after you’ve run out of 

you shove another $10, $20, or $100 bill in the slot right away 

or do you wait? All these things and a lot more can determine 

exactly if  you’ll be a winner or a loser on the machine you’re 


Spinning the reels too fast or too slow can signal the machine to either 

pay you more often or almost NEVER!

Do you realize that even the denomination of  the bill you put in can 

actually determine if  you’ll win or lose on a particular machine?


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“Cycle-Play” Can Trick Any Slot Or 

Poker Machine Into Paying You!

You’ll Spend All Your Time Counting Money Using “Cycle Play”

There is no easier way to win than 

using “Cycle Play” by Brad Demare! 

Why? Because “Cycle Play” takes 

advantage of  the biggest flaw of  all 

modern computers... 


Casinos have always strived for machines  

that can adapt to the playing style of  every 

player...and use the way each individual slot 

player actually spins the reels and plays the 

machine as a way of  extracting even more 

money from them!

But with Brad Demare’s “Cycle Play” 

you’ll not only know how to avoid the 

pitfalls of these “smart machines”  

but you’ll know how to take advantage 

of them in a big way by simply 

adjusting how you play overall.... so  

you can make any slot, video slot, or 

poker machine pay off like an ATM 

machine with no limit!

After Just Five Minutes Of Play The 

Machine You Are Playing Knows More 

About You Than YOU!

The machines in any casino can now literally  


They know more about the  

way you play after as little as five minutes...  

than you could ever imagine!

How many times have you played a machine for hours 

and only when you leave and someone else starts to 

play...boom...the big jackpot is hit? 

You may have thought that person was just lucky or 

that you were just unlucky...but there were probably 

much darker forces at work than just good or bad luck! 

In fact after years of  actually designing slot and 

poker machines...I can almost guarantee it!

The newer slots are so complex they adjust to 

everything you do when you sit down to play...and they 

do it for only one reason...


You Can Turn The Tables On All Slot and 

Poker Machines And Use Their Own 

Programming Against Them

The newest slots are the most devious machines I’ve 

ever seen because they actually use the way each player 

plays a machine to almost force them to lose more than 

usual. Casinos like these machines because they can 

actually alter the percentage of  take for the machine 

artificially so although the mechanical take may stay the 

same...for each individual player it will move up and 


But with Brad Demare’s “Cycle Play” you can turn the tables 

on them and by altering your play according to the rules of  “Cycle 

Play” you can actually FORCE the machine to give you money!

By altering your play in a certain way at just the right 

time...the machine’s programming will actually begin to 

release jackpots so won’t believe your eyes! But 

altering your play must be done in just the right way and 

most the right time! 

“Cycle Play” will 

show you exactly how and when to alter your 

play and then losing will only be a memory!

There’s more! Keep reading! 

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I GUARANTEE You’ll Lose If  

You Play As Fast As You Can!

Like to get the reels spinning as fast as you can? 

Many players believe that the faster the reels 

spin the more plays they can get in, so whatever 

is going to happen will happen faster. 



I spent years designing computer programs 

for slot and poker machines... spinning the 

reels fast or playing the poker hands fast will 

almost guarantee you’ll end up a loser!

The one thing the casinos like to see is the “jet-

jockey” type of  player. They put their money in and 

keep hitting the spin button or playing the poker 

hands with the speed of  light. 

Guess what...  

when you play fast you’ll lose even faster! 

All computerized slot and poker machines 

have “Speed-Limits”. There’s a new type of  

programming that allows the machine you are 

playing to “read” you, and it’s called “Speed-Limits”! 

Just like on the highway, slot and poker machines 

have speed limits too which means in a nutshell...  

the faster you play the more the machines 

shuts down the payout cycle!

Why would they have such a thing? Think about it, 

the casinos have known for decades that those players 

that play fast tend to play longer at one machine and 

overall lose more that most players. 

So what do they 

do...they design a program that takes advantage 

of those fast players and makes them less likely 

to win the faster they play!

“Cycle Play” shows you EXACTLY how fast 

or slow to spin the reels so you can “FORCE” 

the machine to release jackpot after jackpot! 

There are so many different ways to trick any 

machine into paying you over and over you’ll wonder 

how you never saw them before!

You don’t have to play and hope to win. Slot and 

poker machines can be played in such a way they 

literally give away money. 

All modern slot and 

poker machines have this incredibly simple 

flaw... and “Cycle- Play” shows you how to 

take advantage of it!

Just as bad as spinning the reels too fast is spinning 

them very slow!

 Slow play from one player sends 

a signal to the machine’s payout cycle to all 

but shut off! Why? Because when a machine 

gets very little action it must keep as much as 

possible to make up for a lower average income 

per hour!

If  you play too slow you’ll almost never leave a 

winner. The machine must keep all that it can!

Slow play is worse than playing too fast. Did you 

know that slots tend to “hold” more when they 

receive fewer spins per hour? This is a built in safety 

feature that keeps the machine from paying out too 

much when it’s not receiving steady play.

Playing fast or slow is an almost guaranteed 

way of always losing. If you play either too fast 

or too slow you’re giving you’re money away!

Playing Too Slow Is NOT The Answer Either!

Play At The “Right” Speed And You Can 

Regulate The Pay Cycle Of Any Slot, Video 

Slot, Or Poker Machine!

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FOUR Things You Must 

NEVER Do When You Play  

Slot And Poker Machines...

Once You Let The Machine “Read” You... You’re Sunk

Slot and poker machines now have the most incredible 

capabilities! They can tell within minutes, with over 90% 

accuracy...exactly what kind of  player you are!  

Not only that, but once they know they can adjust their 

payoffs to fit your playing style so you’ll lose much more than 

you normally should!

The latest advancement in slot and poker machines is 

the “living memory” feature which is now programmed into 

all modern slot machines... 

and I can tell you it is the 

most sinister type of programming you can imagine! 

Living Memory for computers is not new. In fact if  your 

car is 5 years old or less it probably has many versions of  

it. For example, the way your windshield wipers turn on by 

themselves when they detect water in case you forget.  

Or, the way your seat can be programmed to go back to 

the most comfortable settings for you even if  someone else 

changed it earlier.

But when Living Memory is programmed into slot  

and poker machines, unless you know how to  

“fool” it...YOU’LL LOSE!

Keep The Machine Guessing By Altering  

Your Playing Style

The Living Memory uses basic playing factors which 

determine the best way for the machine to keep the player 

playing as long as possible while artificially raising the 

percentage against them! 

If you play in a way which  

confuses the machine... it will open its payout  

cycle for you like never before!

I know, in the past I’ve programmed slot and poker 

machines to take your money faster...

so I know how to turn  

the percentages against that very same  

programming and beat it!

There are four things you must NEVER  

do when you play or you’ll leave a loser


over 90% of the time!

Slot and poker machines use four basic factors to determine 

what kind of  player you are. 

However, when you alter 

your play a certain way it confuses the machine and if 

you do it at the right time... you’ll see more and bigger 

jackpots than you’ve ever seen before!

Most Players Lose Because They Have A  
Certain “Rhythm” When They Play

What’s your style of  play? No doubt, if  you’re like 90% of  

all slot and poker machine players you have a certain style of  

play or a “rhythm” to the way you spin the reels or play the 

hands. It is precisely the rhythm of  your own playing style 

that allows the machine to beat you!

When You Play In A Way That Most Slot And  
Poker Machines Don’t Recognize... You Trick Them  
Into Giving You Money!

“The more sophisticated the machine the easier it is to 

screw it up when you do things it doesn’t understand.” 

I learned this many years ago! The programming for slot and 

poker machines is based on certain playing traits of  the vast 

majority of  players... 

but when you alter your playing 

style beyond what the machine has been programmed 

to can literally fool the machine into 

paying you more often!

12 secrets on the next page! 

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That Show You How To “FOOL” Slot And Poker Machines Into Dumping Jackpots!



When NOT To Use A 

Player’s “Club” Card...

Think that “Club” card 

the casinos want you to 

play with is just a way of  

claiming extra “Bonus” 

points? You won’t believe 

how the casinos really use 

it and how it can affect 

your results at the Slot and 

Poker machines...WOW!



Trick The Casinos With 

Your “Club” Card...

Don’t throw the “Club” 

card away...I’ll show you 

how to use that card so 

the Slot & Poker Machines 

“GIVE” you jackpots!


When Playing TWO 

Machines At Once Is 

The Best Way To Win...

You can increase your 

chances of  hitting jackpots 

by 300%... but ONLY if  

you do it at the “RIGHT” 




Machines That ALWAYS 

Let You Win...Want 

To Know Where To 

Find The “100%-Plus 


Certain theme machines 

are manufactured as 

straight “giveaway” 

machines...which means 

they pay out more than 

they take in! These 

machines are in every 

casino in the country, you 

probably have seen them 

yourself. I know what the 

current list is and it’s in the 

“Cycle-Play” book!


Vacant Machines! 

Playing The Empty 

Machine Between Two 


All slot and poker 

machines that are close 

to each other are tied 

together. I’ll show you how 

to multiply your chances 

of  winning by playing 

the “vacant” machine 

between two other players! 

It works...but ONLY if  you 

do it at the RIGHT time!


Pick Up A Fast Jackpot 

By Using The“Cash-out” 


When you leave a slot 

or poker machine and 

have money (credits) left...

you hit “cash-out” and 

they print out a small card 

showing your balance! 

Guess what...that card can 

be a GOLD MINE if  you 

know how to use! I’ll show 

you how in the “Cycle- 

Play” book!


Switching “Pay-Lines” 

Can Force The Machine 

To Dump Jackpots... 

Many Slot and Video 

Slots offer several pay 

lines as a choice. If  you 

switch those pay lines you 

can trick the machine 

into dumping a nice big 

jackpot!’ve got 

to do it at just the RIGHT 

time! It’s in the “Cycle-

Play” book...and it works!

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Watch Out! When You Play Do 

You Put 20 Dollar Bills In The 

Machine... 50’s, Or 100’s? BE 

CAREFUL... Or You’ll Lose!

What do you generally put in the 

machine when you play...big bills or 

small ones? When do you put them 

in...when you are completely out of  

credits or when you are almost out?

How about what order? Do you 

start off with small bills then put in 

larger bills when you lose...or do you 

start off with a big bill then use the 

smaller bills afterward?

What denomination of  bills you 

use and when you use them is 

one of  the most important factors 

modern slots use to adjust their 

payoffs with! If  you use the wrong 

size bills in the wrong 

have almost NO hope of  cashing a 


I’ll show you exactly what bills to 

put in the machine first...and then 

what to use after that. If  you do it 

the right can fool any slot 

or poker machine into giving you a 

FREE kidding!

It’s all in the “Cycle-Play” 

book and WOW does it work! 



Don’t Ever Play These Machines 

No Matter What The Advertised 


There are certain slot and poker 

machines in a casino that NEVER 

give out jackpots. How do the 

casinos get away with it...they 

officially list them as “promotional”! 

I’ll tell you how to find them and 

avoid them. Players lose hundreds 

of  millions of  dollars every year 

on these machines because they’re 

almost impossible to tell apart from 

other machines. But YOU won’t be 

fooled with “Cycle-Play”!


“Flip” Your Jackpots! I’ll Show 

You How To Get “DOUBLE 

JACKPOTS” When You Win...

How about getting paid TWICE 

when you win? You can turn a 100 

credit jackpot into 200 credits, 200 

into 400, 1000 into 2000! It’s easy 

when you know how! Most people 

never realize they can do this, but 

I’ll show you how easy it can be 


It’s perfectly legal, and the casinos 

don’t like it...BUT THEY CAN’T 

STOP YOU! It’s all in the “Cycle-

Play” book!



Always Draw To These Hands 

While Playing Progressive Video 


There are certain hands in video 

poker that if  you draw to them you 

increase your chances of  hitting the 

top jackpot 500%! They’re in the 

“Cycle-Play” Book!


Stick To “WARM” Machines And 

Win A Jackpot In Ten Minutes... 

I’ll show you how to find what are 

called “WARM” machines! They’re 

easy to spot and they are almost 

guaranteed winners! It’s in the 

“Cycle-Play” book!

Want More 


Secrets? The 


Book Has 


You Need To 


Winners tell their stories, on page 8-9! 

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I’ve been using the methods in the cycle play book and 

I found the current list of bad machines to be of real value. 

I’ve tested the pay-line switch method and won both times I 

used it, once for $800 and the other for $2,800. The timing 

method for spins is fantastic! I’ve hit three jackpots in seven 

tries and one was for $1,900 and that’s on a quarter machine! 

All the methods work so far. 

It’s amazing how just changing the simple things like 

how fast I play could make such a difference. The biggest 

string of hits I had came on one machine when I used 

the bill changing method where you keep using different 

denominations of money in the credit meter at certain times. 

It was amazing how each time I switched like the book said 

the machine dropped a jackpot of at least 40 credits! I did 

this eight times in a row and each time the machine dropped 

a jackpot between 40 and 400 credits... that’s every time I did 

it! This thing works like a charm,


Recent Buyers Are WINNING With “Cycle-Play”

Read what recent buyers say about “Cycle-Play”. We’ve printed original copies of their letters on this page 

and the next. All of the people below are willing to answer any questions by you. If you wish to contact 

them BEFORE you buy, and we have not run out of books...let us know and we’ll send them your contact 

information! We cannot guarantee that you will get a reply before we are sold out. 

Dear Sir,

I’m 71 years old and I’ve been gambling since I was 

fourteen. I had lots of doubts about your Cycle-Play 

but that all changed when I started using it. I had not 

thought of the things you talked about before or how 

they could affect winning and losing, but I’ve put your 

ideas to the test and there is no single doubt, you are 

absolutely right, 

I don’t know why you are sharing these ideas, but I’m 

glad you are. When I wrote you the first time about the 

doubts I had  about your systems you were very nice 

and explained to me many things i didn’t think of. I’m 

writing you back now to let you know that I have been 

chasing in like never before on the slots in Vegas.

Here is a list of just the last five jackpots I’ve hit... 

$1,932... $4,110... $800... $800... $1,786.46 and $2,500. 

By the way that “club card” method works like a charm. 

I also tried the “vacant machine” play an the “timing 

play” methods and they all work like nothing I’ve ever 

seen! Your whole book is incredible and anyone who 

can’t win with all the information in it, just isn’t trying. 

Bless you for being unselfish!

- Frank

Mr Demare,

In all the years I’ve played slots I’ve never seen 

a real winning method. But the “cycle-play” book 

seems to be it. I never realized how just changing 

the way I play could make such a difference. I’ve 

won over $9,000 in just 3 weeks! 

The best win came in a “progressive” video slot. I 

used the method - “pay-line switch”, and within 15 

minutes I won $3,966.00! Your methods work and 

I’ll swear to anyone on that! 

- Jared

Thanks Mr. Demare,

I’ve bought a lot of books about the slots and poker games, 

but nothing ever worked. I don’t know why but I thought you 

really did have something because I’ve seen the stories about 

the thinking slot machines on that news program (blank).

Your book tells all about how to win and its very simple to 

learn and use. I’ve never written a letter like this but the book 

does win for the slot and poker machines. I am very religious 

and I believe that what you are doing is helping a lot of people 

who have been victims of the casinos and the programs they 

use in the machines to get people to lose. It’s nice to see 

that someone is helping the players. God will shine down on 

you for this, i know it. Before I go I want you to know that I 

hit the biggest jackpot of my life playing video poker... it was 

over $8,000. I cried when I won it. I’m 73 and living on social 

security so the money was nice. Your book is responsible for 

this win because I would have never thought of what to do but 

your book told me. I’ve had many other wins but this is the 

biggest so far.

I hope good health and good luck follow you through life. 

Thanks, you are a good person, I know it.


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These are only a few of all the letters I’ve received. Considering all the letters I’ve received 

I’ve never seen so many happy slot and poker machine players! All these people have found 

at least one thing in my FANTASTIC “Cycle-Play” book that shows them how to beat the slot 

and poker machines...and some have found several ways to win! 

There’s no doubt in my 

mind that my INCREDIBLE book can make YOU a winner too!
Slot And Poker Machines Have Advanced Beyond Anything Imaginable Just 

A Few Years Ago... If You Don’t Know How To Beat The New Programming, 

You’ll Lose Faster Than Ever!

Notice How Winning Is Much 
More Difficult Lately?

Many people have realized how much more 

difficult it is to win over the past few years. Even 

though the slot and poker machines have kept 

their “take” percentages the same, according to a 

recent study... the profit per machine has gone up 

22% in the last four years! How is this possible? 

I’ll tell you how, because the new programming 

uses each player’s playing style against them, and 

this means you lose more money... because in a 

way you’re actually playing against yourself!

“Cycle-Play” Is The Only Way You 

Can Beat The New Programming

Years ago it was hard enough just trying to 

catch a small jackpot now and then, but now 

with the machines actually adjusting their 

payoffs according to your own playing style... 

it’s downright scary! Unless you have special 

knowledge of  the way the programming works 

it’s impossible to win consistently. The only hope 

you have is “Cycle-Play” by Brad Demare. This 

INCREDIBLE book will show HOW to turn the 

percentages around and beat the new modern 

programming for HUGE profits!

Don’t Wait Any Longer To Be A Winner! “Cycle-Play” Is 

The Most Powerful Weapon In Existence For Beating The 

Slot And Poker Machines! Order Right Now!

Letter to Brad Demare,

I don’t know what to say. I purchased your cycle play 

book two months ago expecting the same old losing 

story, but to my surprise... the plans in your book 

really work! I’ve tried so many different things over the 

years and have lost a lot of money. But now I’m getting 

it back thanks to your book. I’ve been winning almost 

every day but yesterday was the most money I’ve ever 


I hit a progressive jackpot over a few years ago 

but only for a couple hundred but yesterday I hit 

a progressive jackpot on a couple hundred! But 

yesterday I hit a progressive jackpot on a video slot 

for over $13,000! Your pay line method in the book 

told me what to do and bam it came in within a few 

minutes. How could I ever thank you for this. But I’ll 

try thank you so much! 

- Daren

Mr. Demare,

Never wrote a letter like this but I feel I 

must. I’ve had your CyclePlay booklet for 

over a month now and have been only playing 

weekends but I’ve been bringing money home 

every time I play. 

Last weekend I won a large jackpot, over 

$4,400 playing a dollar slot. An hour later I won 

over $2,800 playing video poker! After that 

I decided to write you and say how great this 

book is. If anyone wants to talk to me about 

this thing I’d be happy to tell them it’s the 

greatest in the world.

I can’t imagine why anyone would sell this 

but I hope you get a lot of sales because you 

deserve to make a lot of money (if you haven’t 

already). Thanks for teaching me about slot and 

poker games! 

- Ivy



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There’s a simple way to just about guarantee you’ll lose 
every time you play the slot or poker machines. Read 
the next few lines and tell me if it describes your usual 
playing style.

•  Spins the reels or plays the hands as fast as possible...
•  Spins the reels or plays the hands very slow only speeding up if  

you start to win...

•  Always puts the same denomination of  money in the credit 

meter when you play...

•  Always increases the amount of  credits bet on multiple coin 

machines when you win a few spins (or hands)...

•  Throws away good hands in video poker in the hope of  hitting 

the top progressive jackpot...

•  Use a “Player’s Card” or “Club Card” instead of  playing with 


•  In general...plays the same way every time, spinning the reels or 

playing the hands with about the same speed, or increasing and 

decreasing bets in the same way.

If you’re guilty of any one of the above you probably lose 

playing slot and poker machines. Don’t worry “Cycle Play” 

can show you how to change losing into winning just by 

altering your playing style...IT’S EASY!

“Cycle Play” Is SIMPLE

The whole method can be learned 

in a few minutes! You’ll learn several 

ways to make any slot and poker 

machine literally THROW their 

jackpots at you! Don’t let the slot 

and poker machines suck the money 

out of you... with “Cycle-Play” you’ll 

FORCE them to pay YOU!

When You Know What The Machine Is 

Thinking... You Can Fool It Easily

Slot and Poker machines adjust their payout cycle based 

on the type of  player you are. Incredible as it seems...the 

way you play affects your wins and losses almost all the 


The good news is...when you know this you can do 

things the machine does not understand and increase your 

chances of  cashing in on bigger jackpots more often!

Why Will I Win If I Change  

My Playing Style?

All slot and poker machines have one basic 

keep you playing as long as possible. The machine is 

programmed to do whatever it takes to make sure you 

don’t leave until it has a certain amount of  your money.

When the machine “reads” you from the way you play 

it knows exactly when to tighten up jackpots or loosen 

them slightly so you’ll stay just a little bit longer.

When you alter your basic playing style in a 

certain way...AT JUST THE “RIGHT” 

trick the machine into thinking you were about 

to leave. Since the machine is programmed to 

keep you playing you will actually make it release 

more and more jackpots for larger and larger 

This whole procedure is very SIMPLE and 

“Cycle- Play” will show you exactly what to 

do and WHEN to do it!

How To GUARANTEE You’ll Lose!


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WIN Piles Of Cash With “Cycle-Play”

“Cycle-Play” Can Turn The Dream Of 

Winning Into A Reality

Winning consistently can happen to you!  

But you must take the first step and get your hands on 

something that has been proven to work!

“Cycle-Play” Racks Up The Profits

If  you want to walk away with a stack of

cash almost every time you play, “Cycle- Play” is the 

only way! 

New machines need a NEW way to 

attack them and “Cycle-Play” is it!


All Orders Received in the Next 10 Days Will Receive 

The Special Free Bonus:



Many race tracks now also have slots ... so you can have the best of  

both worlds and win a bundle from Horse Racing and win a fortune 

from the Slots... all under one roof! This completely mechanical (3) 

three rule system also works at Race Books and Off- Track-Betting 

parlors! All you need to do to start winning is to follow the (3) three 

simple rules!



Brad Demare has agreed to allow us to make 
you this offer... THIS ONE TIME ONLY. 

After the limited number of  copies are sold all orders 

will be return unfilled. If  your order is returned you 

may NOT be able to obtain a copy of  “Cycle - Play” 

anywhere... for any amount! SO PLEASE HURRY &